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Olympic Flame Israel
selenamiller Icon
What does your perception of women tell us about you? They may have unwarranted doubts about themselves, but through a spiritual search are often able to uncover the essence of their being. They have respect for spiritual principles and try to incorporate them in their life. They have a healthy respect for money. Some online users have used catfishing to explore their gender and/or sexual identities. If they have a bad health habit it usually relates to diet. They have a practical view of life, which allows them to withstand difficulties without losing faith. 2. You both have the same goals in mind. They require emotional support and give the same in return. They are competitive and give their best at every opportunity, always believing that attitude, more than ability, promises success. She needs to be not more clever than me, but otherwise, she can be anything. This can lead to a fanatical approach to staying fit. A disowned magnification of negatives and worst case scenarios, sensitivity to criticism, contrary thinking, a doubting mind, a tendency to mistrust, difficulty staying with pleasures.
View ProfileTel Aviv, Israel